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2022.10.14四島交流及び自由訪問に関するロシア政府の発表に対する知事談話(5言語)Statement of the Governor against the Russian Government’s Announcement on the Four-Island Exchanges and Free Visits

한국어  ≫ 4개 섬 교류 및 자유 방문에 관한 러시아 정부 발표에 대한 지사 담화

繁体中文 ≫ 知事就俄羅斯政府關於四島交流及自由訪問公告發表講話

簡体中文 ≫ 知事就俄罗斯政府关于四岛交流及自由访问公告发表讲话

русский ≫ Комментарии губернатора Хоккайдо в ответ на заявление Правительства России в отношении Свободных посещений и мероприятий обменов с 4-мя Северными островами

日本語 ≫ 四島交流及び自由訪問に関するロシア政府の発表に対する知事談話


    Statement of the Governor against the Russian Government’s
     Announcement on the Four-Island Exchanges and Free Visits

 In March this year, the Russian Government unilaterally announced the suspension of the Four-Island Exchange (visa-free exchange) Program and the Free Visit Program that has been conducted for humanitarian reasons. It is extremely unjust and unacceptable that they announced the suspension of the agreement regarding the four islands under the situation where this year’s programs have already been postponed for the time being.

 This action of Russia harmed the efforts and feelings of Japanese people including the former residents of the islands and Russian residents who have been making efforts to build trust through those programs. When I give thought to the former residents’ earnest desire to visit their home town, it gives me the deepest regret. The Hokkaido Government will promptly and strongly protest against the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Sapporo.

 Northern Territories, which have been illegally occupied by Russia, are part of Hokkaido’s administrative district. As the Governor of Hokkaido, I will continue to encourage the Japanese Government to restart the programs as soon as the situation in Ukraine improves. I also will do my best to fulfill the responsibilities as the governor with working closer with the former residents of the four islands and the residents of the adjacent area, and support the policies of the national government to solve the northern territories issues and conclude a peace treaty towards early rerun of the northern territories.

                               September 6, 2022
                      Naomichi Suzuki, Governor of Hokkaido
                       (Northern Territories Affairs Division,
                      Northern Territories Affairs Headquarters,
                           Department of General Affairs)